Saturday, December 11, 2010

10 TOP tips for starting your home based business.

Starting a home-based business is never easy. There is always something that will require your attention. Here are ten tips to keep you focused and make your home-based business a success.

1. Set a schedule and stick to it. The allure of working from home is powerful -- but so is the appeal of spending more time with your family or the temptation of taking a nap mid-day. Setting and maintaining a schedule for your workday is critical. Think of it this way: If you were on your 9-5 J.O.B.; you would not be snoozing or being slack, right? You are working for YOUR dream now...Act like it!

2. Set up a dedicated office area. You can't run a business from your kitchen table and a crate. A successful business requires an equipped home office. If you have an extra bedroom, consider converting it into office space. If you don't' have an extra room in your home, try setting up a partition of some sort to create an office area.

3. Be professional. One of the perks of running a business from home is having the option of working in your pajamas, but your customers should not be able to tell that you just rolled out of bed. Maintain normal office hours and a professional demeanor when answering your phone or dealing with customers. Kids, pets and friends should be in their place at these times of "work".

4. Advertise. Just because you build it doesn't necessarily mean they will come. To succeed, you will need to advertise your new business. Advertising and marketing don't have to be expensive, but they have to be done.

5. Learn about taxes. Taxes, Taxes, Taxes! To avoid ending up feeling frazzled on April 15th, take the time to discuss your options with an accountant or another qualified professional who can advise you about your tax situation and potential hurdles. Maximize the potential a home based business has to offer. ( Hint: Good Read: 422 Tax Deductions for Businesses & Self-Employed Individuals by Bernard B. Kamoroff) Also Get THIS Book.

6. Self Improvement. Everyday, you should be doing something to learn more about your business or improve yourself as a business person. Reading positive mental attitude works are a fantastic way to stay motivated and develop your business mind. Great business leaders and entrepreneurial masters such as Jim Rohn, John Maxwell, Zig Ziglar, Myron Golden, Jerry Clark and Napoleon Hill are great for starters!

7. Create a business plan. Where do you want your business to be in six months? How about in five years? You need a road map. How can you get where you want to be if you don't have a "map" to get there. Set Goals!

8. Get on the Web. The Internet is the single best way for a home-based businesses to reach out to prospective customers. You need a Web site that can function as an online brochure for your company. Finding a company that offers this to you in conjunction with a home based business plan is key!

9. Do your research. Find a fit that is right for you! The money is very important, right? Not for the most part! The biggest mistake people make is that they see the $$$ and run with cash in hand. They buy the business model without thinking it through sensibly. The business model has to make sense.
  • Is it a product that people will use because the need it or want it?
  • Do they currently use it now and can I offer it at a competitive price.
  • Will I use my product because I have to or because I want to?
  • Does the company offer solid leadership and a good foundation?
  • Is it ethical?
  • Is the compensation plan good?
  • How many ways will I benefit from this?

10. Don't get discouraged. Many businesses fail simply because people became discouraged after a disappointing start. You will have to show grit - real determination and driver to make your business succeed. Close your ears to all the negative people around you - the naysayers and nosey-rosey's. ( The "I told you so's") Hang in there and do all you can to make your business the success you know it can be...and it will be.